Palo Santo (x3)

Palo Santo (x3)

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Palo Santo is a very aromatic tree grown in the South American forests.  This Holy Wood has been used throughout time – by the Incas as a spiritual remedy for spiritual cleansing and purifying.  Also by the Shamans, who would use it in ceremonies to send away bad spirits, clear bad energy.

Protected by the government, this wood may only be obtained after the natural death of the tree, or from pieces found on the ground.  To retain its special properties, the dead tree must lay on the ground for another 6-10 years before harvesting the wood for its “holy” properties.  The wood is then cut into sticks or ground into sawdust to form incense cones.  Essential oils can be extracted from the tree but will only produce any essences if the tree goes through the right process of natural death and resting for 6-10 years.

Smudging has long been used to connect to the spiritual realm or enhance intuition. For healers and laypeople in traditional cultures, burning sage is used to achieve a healing state — or to solve or reflect upon spiritual dilemmas.

Grounding & Cleansing: 

1.) Grounding - Close your eyes, take a deep breath and Ground to the Earth by imaging a cord from your tailbone connecting to the center of the Earth. Once connected, imagine a HUGE ball of light above your head that grows and covers your whole body. Imagine this ball of light entering the crown of your head and pushing everything that doesn’t belong (negative, worry, sickness, etc) through the cord attached to the Earth and releasing this from your body/ aura. While saying in your mind “I release you with Love and Light” 

2.) Light the White Sage or other smudging tool of choice (Palo Santo, Incense, Etc.)

3.) The tips of the leaves should smolder slowly, releasing thick smoke. ...

4.) Begin by cleaning your space using the Palo Santo.

  • Allow the incense to linger on the areas of your body or surroundings you'd like to focus on. …
  • If, for example, you are smudging your house because you recently moved there, and want to make sure it is cleansed for your family, you can say something like “I send all negative energies away and to the Light, and welcome positivity and love into my new home.
  • 5.) Allow the ash to collect in a ceramic bowl or shell when finished.